On this page you can find tracks that don't fit categories above, and tracks that would fit both categories above.

Other/Mixed Tracks


(Released 29th September 2011)   A horsetrack with three versions. A "circuit" version and two "oval" versions - a version with obstacles and a flat version. The flat version is meant for horses also, but you can use cars there, if you want to. The AI line has been tested with horses...


(Released 31st August 2011) A horse racing track. The track has two layouts; circuit and stage. The circuit version is meant for several laps long races. The stage version is meant for 1 lap races only. To get a demonstration to the courses first watch the ghost lap or an AI racing alone. I...


(Released 27th April 2011)   A small track that has circuit and bit stuntish rallycross versions. It has taken some major impacts from the style used in several tracks of future design.   Loislurso.zip (168,3 kB)